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United States Artists believes in artists and their essential role in society.

A man and woman sit in armchairs, each holding a microphone. The man speaks into the microphone, looking out toward the camera, while the woman listens. Artwork hangs on the white wall behind them.

Judilee Reed and Salvador Jiménez Flores converse at a panel discussion at 21c Museum Hotel as part of EXPO Chicago, 2023.

Photo by Jeremy Lawson.


Our nomination-based programs support artists and cultural practitioners of all disciplines and career stages across the country through unrestricted awards and services tailored to their needs.

Venus balances on the footplate of Andromeda’s wheelchair, arms spread wide and wheels spinning. Andromeda opens her arms wide to receive her in an embrace. They make eye contact and smile. A starry sky fills the background, and moonlight glints off their rims.

Dead Reckoning from DESCENT. Choreographed by Alice Sheppard, in collaboration with dancer Laurel Lawson. New York Live Arts, March 23-25, 2018. Lighting and video by Michael Maag, music by JoanJeanrenaud.

Photo courtesy of the artist.


Through our platforms and commissions, we spark dialogues and exchanges that build knowledge and experiences.

A person using a mahl stick to support their wrist as they begin painting.

Still from The making of Commonwealth where wealth is common, 2024.

Photo courtesy of the artist.


We partner with foundations, philanthropists, and field leaders to expand support for artists and cultural practitioners across the country.

Launch party for New Suns Issue 9 and M3's Anthology at The Center for Fiction in New York, 2023.

Photo by Jenna Bascom Photography.


We are a team who believes in solidarity, accessibility, and integrity.

USA staff member Jess Ferrer (R) and a guest attend the launch party of New Suns Issue 9 and M3's Anthology.

Photo by Jenna Bascom Photography.


Our work would not be possible without the support of our donors.

Former USA President and CEO Deana Haggag in conversation with David Lang, 2015 USA Fellow, at a private donor event in New York City, 2019.

Photo by Ruby Western.