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Zoe Strauss

She // Her // Hers


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Photo of Zoe Strauss.

Photo by Lynn Bloom.

Zoe Strauss uses photography to create an epic narrative that reflects the beauty and struggle of everyday life in invisible communities. In her series, she addresses themes such as gender and identity; addiction and desire; what it means to be American; just getting by; and hope, pride, and joy. Over the past seven years, she has produced an annual installation in South Philadelphia entitled Under I-95. As the Under I-95project has evolved, Strauss has also addressed issues such as mortality, intimacy, and memory to weave archetypal myths that mirror daily life.

Donor -This award was generously supported by Agnes Gund.

This artist page was last updated on: 07.12.2024

Photograph by Zoe Strauss.

Alzheimers by Zoe Strauss, 2003.

Photo courtesy of the artist.